Thursday, April 15, 2010

2 Months and Growing

Tomorrow marks the two month anniversary of our little blessing Quinn.  He had his two-month check-up yesterday and got his first round of shots.  Unfortunately, I had a work function in St. Louis to attend, so Martha had to endure the appointment alone.  Quinn did not appreciate the immunizations and got a little bit of a fever.  However, with some children's Tylenol, he was back to himself in no time.  Plus, he got some cool Tazmanian Devil bandaids to cover his wounds. 

It is amazing how quickly time has passed, and how much Quinn is changing.  He is growing like a weed and loves to try to hold his head up.  He smiles a lot and still eats well.  Yesterday, he tipped the scales at 12 lbs. 6 oz (75th percentile) and measured 24.25 inches long (95th percentile).  We have truly been blessed with a great baby!

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