Sunday, October 25, 2009

What's in a name?

This year seems to be flying by and preparation for Baby Tammany is in full swing. We have barely started a baby registry, and I must admit that I'm a little overwhelmed with the choice of baby items. Neither of us have much of a clue on what items are necessities and what we can do without. Please feel free to offer advice on your "must-have" baby supplies.
Along with registering, we have been trying to decide on a name for our son. Tonight, I entered our first names into a baby name generator and it told us our perfect baby name was Tavares. We have decided to shun the name generator and choose a name that we have liked for awhile. I really wanted a somewhat uncommon name, and possible something Irish, since I have bit of an Irish heritage. With that in mind, we have decided on Quinn, which means: counsel, wise, intelligent, or 5th. All of you other expectant parents can enter your names in the generator and see if you get something better than Tavares.

Find More Baby Names

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sedona, Arizona

This post is overdue, but I wasn't sure how to make a slideshow.  Anyway, these are a few pictures from our vacation to Arizona in September.  We went with my parents and sister to Sedona, Arizona.  It has some of the most amazing rock formations you will ever see, along with a lot of strange people.  If you need some fresh crystals, worship rocks or are just in need of a vortex experience, book your trip to Sedona today.

Welcome to my Crib

My parents recently purchased us a crib for our new addition. (Thanks again!)  I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly we were able to assemble it and, at the same time, it is very sturdy.  My faithful assistant Malcolm was nice enough to be in the photo for some size orientation.  Martha would like everyone to know that the baby's room is not yet decorated to her desires, so expect more pictures to come. 
Speaking of "the baby", we have not yet chosen a name.  We have a few we are considering, but nothing is jumping out at us so far.  However, if we share a name with you that we are considering, please pretend that it is a great name even if you don't actually like it.  A little positive reinforcement goes a long way it coming to such a big decision.